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Bunny now hates me?? HELP!!


Young Bun
I used to have two rabbits, and as I've explained on numerous other threads - upon reaching the age of around 2 years, they began fighting and it ended in one bun getting her ear ripped and bite marks all over her body. To cut a long story short - one bun was given to my dads friend whos rabbit had just passed away and she was looking for another one, as unfortunately we didn't have the room for two hutches and obviously another large run to go with it in the garden...

Anyway, the bun I kept is Daisy, and she had always been the calmer, gentler rabbit of the two, I had hardly any problems handling her and she'd sit on my knee for a cuddle. Obviously, after the fight she was in shock for a couple of weeks and most likely in pain because of her ripped ear - However, it's healed fine.

The thing is though, since her ears healed and shes completely back to 'normal' hopping around and generally being a happy little bun - shes begun to get really aggressive! Although shes much more active than she ever was, shes now impossible to pick up without her biting/grunting/scratching and generally panicking and squirming when I have to take her out of her hutch to either let her run around in the house or in her outdoor run... When I sit in her run with her or I'm in the room with her in the house, she won't come anywhere near me half of the time. ...When she does come near she nudges me with her nose, which used to signal she wanted stroking, now, as soon as I touch her she runs for dear life!

She never used to be like this? Could it be anything to do with not being with her sister? Even though her sister was always the dominant one and was a little bit of a bully!! When I'm not attempting to touch her she does seem like a generally happy bunny but shes changed so much :( Does she now hate me for taking away her sister!?

Any advice or anyone who knows/thinks they know whats going on is appreciated...

Helen x
No, she's not spayed. I asked about getting her spayed when we visited the vets with the dog around about a week ago, but she said because she was coming up for 3 years - its too late to spay her?

Is this correct...?
No!!! I'd say try and find a bunny vet who knows their stuff! If she was the recessive of the two (I think that's the right word) then now her sister has gone she is the top dog and probably become territorial. Spaying will most probably help with her moods; loads of people on here have had rabbits of 3 and 4 years and older spayed and can testify to their coming through it just fine. Me being one :D
I wounldn't have though she was too old to be spayed at all, and it will a) eliminate the chance of her contracting uterine cancer and b) should help to resolve behavioural issues.

Might be worth getting a second opinion from another vet.
Thanks guys, I'll definately check it out with my usual bunny vet, as the one I asked was the vets we take the dog to... However if anyone knows of a good rabbit vet, in the North East I'd be grateful for a recommendation!

How much approx. does spaying cost? As I'm only 16 and still live with parents, and I'll have to convince them to pay for the spaying :( I start my new job this week though, so I should have some money coming in to pay if they won't :(
my bunny has one ear too! but that was a dog in her former nasty home!
anyway well, it could be an extreame strop, midnight was very stroppy when we took her to find a mate (no luck) because we took her in the car. she was annoyed about a day at me, but because she could see it was my father driving she was in a right old paddy at him for 3 days! (twas hilarious for me as on the second day when she was happy with me again, dad tried to give her carrot and she stomped, ran over to me, sat on my lap and growled at him!)
so maybe bunny is just in a major paddy? treat her how u did before it all and wait for you to trust u again...and while u wait get swade fluffy interior gloves good if shes being a madam, tell me how it goes!
Thanks everyone :)

I'm going to speak to my usual bun vet tomorrow about spaying, my parents don't seem keen unfortunately, as last month they forked out a lot of money because of her ear etc after the fight - but as from Wednesday I'm a working citizen ;) I'll pay for the surgery myself.

I hope Daisy appreciates I'm spending my first ever paycheck on her!!!
I think it'd be nice to spend your first paycheck on your bunny - I sometimes try to work out what I spent mine on and I can't remember. Wish I could. And if it had been on my nummy, I'd remember!