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Bullying problem

All Ears

New Kit
We have an issue with one rabbit bullying another over territory. They are an otherwise happily bonded pair, and have been so for a little under a year, but recently we’ve noticed the smaller of the two spending more and more time in a particular area of their accommodation.

The area concerned is part of a shed-and-run setup: a long shelf with an adjacent window which is reached by a series of ramps, so arranged that we can see them from inside the house.

At first we naively thought that maybe she just liked to sit there, high up and by the window, but now we’ve realised that every time she ventures into the downstairs part of the accommodation she gets chased back up again by her larger, more boisterous male partner.

We generally feed the rabbits together by scattering food on the shelf area, so the issue isn’t so much about food as territory.

Any advice would be much appreciated, as our little girl is confining herself to about 6% of the accommodation space provided.
Is your female healthy, as far as you can tell? Only, sometimes when a rabbit has a health problem their friend starts to bully them. Is she spayed?
Yes, she's spayed, and the boy is neutered. Re. health, we have her checked over every 6 months or so. No known problems, and the obvious indicators all look good (weight, eyes, nose, etc.), but your point is worth bearing in mind, thanks.