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New Kit
Is it okay for Harlie & Galen to eat bread??

I went in the garden yesterday to find my 2 yo had been feeding them her sandwich crusts.....

Um. Hmmm.... Sneaky little moo. I just thought i'd better check its not going to do any major damage?
Probably not the best thing for them to have, but ok as a one off.

I have fed mine small amounts of brown bread when trying to get them to put weight on so I'm sure it won't do them any harm x
Joey, Flint & Chocolate love toast. - but the vet gave me a right telling off!! :oops: They have it as an occassional treat now. :oops:
As a one off sneaky snack it wont do any harm. But bread is not a good food for bunnies as the high carbohydrate in it can cause havoc with their guts. Bloat/stasis being the end result.

In the winter i used to give my three a slice of warm wholemeal toast between them in the evenings should i not have done this? :roll:
Frankie said:
In the winter i used to give my three a slice of warm wholemeal toast between them in the evenings should i not have done this? :roll:

Probably not every night :wink:
I avoid bread altogether! I don't think its good for rabbits, stick with hay, veg, pellets and occasional fruit as a treat. Avoid all human type snack foods. Its not worth the risk of making them ill.
I wouldnt feed bread either but if you do toast it so they have to chew it. Bread fresh will swell when it gets in there gut. val
i read

I read somewhere that it was very bad for them, for their stomachs, as is breakfast cereals which some people are tempted to feed them :? ! My mum reckons her friend killed her rabbit when she was little by feeding it bread....
I have given mine bread (toasted) and it as never done them any harm. In fact when one of mine was in the Vets I had to take him in his bread & banana as he wouldn't eat anything else. As regards breakfast cereals mine like a bit of weetabix too.
I have given mine bread (toasted) and it as never done them any harm. In fact when one of mine was in the Vets I had to take him in his bread & banana as he wouldn't eat anything else. As regards breakfast cereals mine like a bit of weetabix too

You can just imagine him at the vet and in the morning waiting for the room service of bananas on toast. :lol: