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bonding and bottom biting !

I have been trying to bond my two girls. I attempted to do it pre spaying but the slightly older one kept biting the other's bottom.They are now both spayed and have been in next door runs for a few months. Yesterday I put them together again. To start with it was good,they sniffed and groomed each other. After a while the older one (not that much older they are both under a year) began biting on the other one's bottom again and even mounted her and attempted to mate. I am really looking for advice on how to proceed, I'd love them to be able to live in a shared hutch in bunny bliss...... thanks in advance for your thoughts.....: )
I have been trying to bond my two girls. I attempted to do it pre spaying but the slightly older one kept biting the other's bottom.They are now both spayed and have been in next door runs for a few months. Yesterday I put them together again. To start with it was good,they sniffed and groomed each other. After a while the older one (not that much older they are both under a year) began biting on the other one's bottom again and even mounted her and attempted to mate. I am really looking for advice on how to proceed, I'd love them to be able to live in a shared hutch in bunny bliss...... thanks in advance for your thoughts.....: )

That is what happened with my rabbits but eventually after helping them by telling them off or separating them in different parts of the cage, they have turned out fine and currently are fine with eachother, although the younger was mounting the other in my case, i'm sure your rabbits will turn out fine.