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Bobby my foster bunny


Warren Veteran
Last Tuesday i had to make the awful decision to have my foster bunny Bobby put to sleep :(. The third bun i had seen go to the bridge in 10 days :cry:.

Bobby came to me just over a week before when his previous foster mum was going on holiday. She had been concerned he was quiet and had a lump on his ear. The minute i saw him and felt the lump i knew in my gut it was an abscess :cry:. I got him checked by the vet, and my fears were confirmed :(. Having been through every treatment possible with Flynn (my beloved bridge bunny) i knew it looked grim, but i said to the rescue i would keep Bobby until he became miserable, my intention to add him to my group to cheer him up in his final weeks.

However, a week after diagnosis, and it became very apparent Bobby was in pain a lot of the time despite his metacam and he was depressed. His only pleasure in life metacam and cuddles, but how did the wee soul spend the other 23 hours a day? My heart still breaking from losing Riley and Mojo, i had to let Bobby go :(

Bobby was a REW lop, really gorgeous wee guy, i have loads of photo's on my camera which i will upload later :love:

He now rests in the flower bed beside Riley and Mojo.

Bobby, you came to me as a foster, but as i told you in the car before we went into the vet, you left as one of my own, you had a "real mum" and you were very much loved :love:
I'm so sorry. :( I saw his photo on the rescue's website, gorgeous boy but he did look a bit poorly.

So glad he came to you and new special love and care. :love:
I'm really sorry you had to say goodbye to another bun :cry: I am glad Bobby got to spend the time he had left with you, he was very lucky to have had such love and care x