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Benji is coming to his end


New Kit
Our Blue Giant Continental looks like he is coming to the end.

He is 10years old and has been blind for the last 3 years. He now has arthritis in one of his back legs and is struggling to stand and move.
He is also biting under his chin which he has done sporadically over the last few years.

I have ordered a wheelchair/scooter for him to see if that may work with his legs but wont know till it arrives.

Dilemma, and really sad is when is enough and when should we consider getting him put down as his quality of life is not good although he still loves cuddles, eating ok and pooing normal?
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear of your worries with Benji. Its really difficult making the call about when to help our beloved old bunnies in to their forever sleep. As you know him best, you & his vet are in the best position to make that decision. One of my buns is elderly, arthritic & blind..she is noticably more frail now. For now she is showing enough happy behaviours to satisfy me she has QOL but for us (& every bunny containing family is v different & rightly so) I will make the call if she loses her mobility

The overgrooming under his chin is often a pain response - I think it'd be worth seeing your vet to up his analgesia - or add a second drug.

10 is a really good age for a giant ❤️ I know that doesn't make decision making any easier though
I would contact your Vet again to discuss the situation. If Benji is fur pulling it might be indicative of him still being in pain, despite being on some analgesia. The Vet might suggest increasing the dose and/ or adding additional analgesic medication. There are some complementary therapies that can be beneficial for arthritic Rabbits- physiotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, massage.

Judging QOL is something only the main care giver and the Vet treating the Rabbit are in a position to do. Every case will be unique.

This might be of some help to read, but as I said, every case needs to be assessed on its own merit

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear of your worries with Benji. Its really difficult making the call about when to help our beloved old bunnies in to their forever sleep. As you know him best, you & his vet are in the best position to make that decision. One of my buns is elderly, arthritic & blind..she is noticably more frail now. For now she is showing enough happy behaviours to satisfy me she has QOL but for us (& every bunny containing family is v different & rightly so) I will make the call if she loses her mobility

The overgrooming under his chin is often a pain response - I think it'd be worth seeing your vet to up his analgesia - or add a second drug.

10 is a really good age for a giant ❤️ I know that doesn't make decision making any easier though
Thank you, tough times.
I would contact your Vet again to discuss the situation. If Benji is fur pulling it might be indicative of him still being in pain, despite being on some analgesia. The Vet might suggest increasing the dose and/ or adding additional analgesic medication. There are some complementary therapies that can be beneficial for arthritic Rabbits- physiotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, massage.

Judging QOL is something only the main care giver and the Vet treating the Rabbit are in a position to do. Every case will be unique.

This might be of some help to read, but as I said, every case needs to be assessed on its own merit

thank you
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear of your worries with Benji. Its really difficult making the call about when to help our beloved old bunnies in to their forever sleep. As you know him best, you & his vet are in the best position to make that decision. One of my buns is elderly, arthritic & blind..she is noticably more frail now. For now she is showing enough happy behaviours to satisfy me she has QOL but for us (& every bunny containing family is v different & rightly so) I will make the call if she loses her mobility

The overgrooming under his chin is often a pain response - I think it'd be worth seeing your vet to up his analgesia - or add a second drug.

10 is a really good age for a giant ❤️ I know that doesn't make decision making any easier though
many thanks
So sorry to hear about Benji.
I've lost both our 12 year old buns in the last few months and both had arthritis in their back legs.
Definitely ask the vet for advice, we had a couple of pain relief options towards the end with doses we could increase as needed which really helped.
Thinking of you it's an awful situation to be in x