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Mama Doe
At the moment my rabbit (regretably) lives alone and I can't do anything about it just yet. Although I no rabbits are masters of the cold weather I can't help but think he is cold out there. His bed compartment is very spacey so I can imagine it wouldn't retain as much heat as a smaller sleeping quarters. The hutch it self has 2 bed sheats covering the walls and roof of the top floor, a ground liner on top of that, then a hutch cover.

I'm debating on getting a bed for him, specially made for rabbits. I like the brand "Snuggles" and the bed I'm looking at is like a normal fluffy bed with half a ceiling/wall. If you can imagine a ball with a quarter of it missing :) (Like pacman lol). I was thinking maybe buy this and put it in his bed compartment or removed the bed compartment and just have the bed in the corner?

any advise, even if its to say not to get a bed :) I'd greatly appreciate it :) ta!
not quite sure what you mean...
i got Albie a bed when Lottie passed away, he spent time in it on a night, until Phoebe came along and started throwing it about, its now stored in the shed :roll:
not had much luck with beds to be honest.
fill it with hay :D
not quite sure what you mean...
i got Albie a bed when Lottie passed away, he spent time in it on a night, until Phoebe came along and started throwing it about, its now stored in the shed :roll:
not had much luck with beds to be honest.
fill it with hay :D

Woudl you suggest they're a good idea? I just want to make sure he is cosy at night :/