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Bedding / Rabbit Litter etc


Warren Scout
Sorry for being a bit thick but what do you all use in your hutches/bunnie sheds?

Is it normal hay for bedding and then do you use the megazorb just in litter trays or do you use it generally in the 'living' area.

My friend has a rabbit and she uses sawdust (but not the really fine stuff) on the floor in the 'bedroom' with hay/straw on top of that then in the 'living area' she uses the sawdust stuff again and in the corner she lays down newspaper.

When I get my bunnies I want to make sure I get it right - is that the best way or is it better to use something else? I've read that even chunky sawdust isn't good for bunnies.

So, what do you use and where?

Thanks, J x
I have megazorb covered in hay in the litter tray. The run has turf laid over wire mesh to keep it secure. Inside the hutches I have vinyl flooring as one large piece that I got from a cheap carpet/bed place as "roll end". I don't think you need to use any litter in the areas where they don't go toilet. The main purpose of it is to soak up the wee and stop it seeping into areas and going all manky etc
I have megazorb in the litter tray and @sand pit@ no sand in just a giant litter tray really :? :oops:

I have concrete slabs down, and nothing on there unless the buns pull the hay out. Nor do I have anything in their shed, on the floor, although I have spotted a piece of lino in the skip outside of work ;)
use hemp if you can get your hands on it.
i use it covered in hay in the litter and it works fantastic.
it really cuts the odors down.
Oh right so there's no need for sawdust chipping things at all!?!? Just plenty of hay for bedding and megazorb/hay in the litter tray. Fab!

That sounds like its a lot easier to clean - change the litter tray daily and then do the rest - erm - how often? Every couple of days?? How often do you change the hay bedding?

We have a mahoosive piece of lino in the loft, never thought it would come in useful before!!


J x

PS/ Are they not tempted to eat the hay out of their litter tray?? Or once they 'go' somewhere do they not eat from that area!?
I only use megazorb in their litter trays. That way you can just tip it in the bin as and when required. If you cover the whole area with litter they just seem to think the whole place is one giant toilet. Lino is brill as you can just give it a quick wipe over, just make sure you fit it snugly as some bunnies will chew it if they can get at the edges.
That sounds like its a lot easier to clean - change the litter tray daily and then do the rest - erm - how often? Every couple of days?? How often do you change the hay bedding?

I only have to change the bedding area once a week as mine are so well litter trained they rarely go outside their tray.

PS/ Are they not tempted to eat the hay out of their litter tray??

Yes, in fact they seem to like munching and pooping at the same time. But as the trays are changed daily its not really a problem. If you don't like the thought of it though you could just use megazorb in the tray and hang a hay rack directly above it.
Oh wow, this is sooo helpful ........sorry for all the questions ........ and thanks for all your replies!

Can I buy Megazorb online?

I've just found a pet supplies near me that sells hay bales for £4.99 and Burgess excell pellets by the 10kg bag (£16) ....with free delivery...... how long do you reckon those would last 2 buns??

Thanks, J x
Ages. :D

Normal size adult buns only need a tablespoon a day of pellets so it goes a long way.

A bale of hay lasts me a week or 2 depending on how much grass they've had access to but that is for 9 buns and 2 piggies so if its just two bunnies it should last you a lot lot longer.