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A distressing morning/ She is at peace now


I don't want to have to do that again for awhile :(:(

She thought she was coming out to play and was trying to jump down on the floor :cry::cry::cry:

Steve will stay with her and then bring her back to be with Fidget for awhile. Fidget is going to be distraught, they were like siamese twins :cry:
She's gone.:(

Fidget didn't want to spend long with her. He gave her a little wash and then dug at the towel until it covered her head. He then moved to his litter tray and started munching so I have given him some nice oat hay from a secret santa parcel
You poor thing, I've just read this whole thread and this has clearly been a desperately hard decision to come to terms with. Little Dumpling was lucky to have you taking care of her needs, and I echo what Sky-O said...

Every decision you make is based on 'what is best for the bunny', and she is so lucky to be surrounded by that love. As you always say, its quality over quantity.

You are strong !!!....a sign of massive strength is when you feel fear/distress/upset etc. and you STILL face the situation and deal with it. Take Care. Be free little Dumpling.
Poor Fidget.

And a big hug for you both.

I love tiny Nethies. I wish he could live with us, ( my last teeny tiny Nethie was only 720g ). And when he was ready.......... I have a lonely house Nethie girl I took in from Alice Chamberlain ( just been spayed ).
Binky free Dumpling, another bunny angel.
Have fun playing at the bridge with all your friends :) xx
I'm so sorry for your loss as everyone else has said.

You're such an amazing person though for what your doing, please remember that when you're feeling low. You did what's best for Dumping and that's the main thing :)
Liz you have one again been completely unselfish and done what was in the best interest of the bunny. Dumpling has passed with nothing but happy memories, you made the right decision before she had to suffer, she was happy and loved, what else could a bun ask for xx