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  1. T

    If a rabbit hates being picked up . . .

    Galen will let me do anything, hes a laid back he's horizontal.... Harlie however hates being touched or picked up... I find using a towel is the best method for her. I put a towel over her and sccop her up using Janes back to front method, one hand holding her legs to stop her kicking out and...
  2. T

    how much food to feed

    Harlie & Galen share a small bowl of dry food in the evenings, they have constant hay and grass, veggies daily, although not too much a small handful each and occasionally some fruit. Although they are about 2 yo.... so it is probabily different for your little babes... :?
  3. T


    Is it okay for Harlie & Galen to eat bread?? I went in the garden yesterday to find my 2 yo had been feeding them her sandwich crusts..... Um. Hmmm.... Sneaky little moo. I just thought i'd better check its not going to do any major damage?
  4. T

    Hello! New here!

    Hello! Welcome to you and your 'hooligans' LOL :lol: (That really tickled me!)
  5. T


    Hello!! I love the way your name is spelt Harriette! Welcome to you and your bunny friends! :D
  6. T

    Hi everyone -I'm new.

    Hello Foxy and little bunny friends!! :D
  7. T

    Proper cleaning of buns bums

    How do I clean Harlie & Galen's bottoms properly? I just cleaned out the hutch and checked them both for any signs of Flystrike but Galen had a bit of brownish stuff on his skin areas (I assume its poo). Should I pop them in a bowl of warm water to clean them or will a wipe of wet kitchen...
  8. T

    Shocking, absolutley shocking/ **update with photos**

    With a story as sad as that, I would expect for the appropriate authorities to ban them from having more animals (at the very least). :( That is sooo cruel, well done you for saving those poor buns.
  9. T


    I went out to Harlie & Galen earlier and the run is absolutely crawling with ants in one corner.... It was probabily due to the plate of melon I left out for the buns... Are ants going to be harsh on the bunnies? I just wanted to check, I know about flystrike, but was worried about the...
  10. T

    Hi everyone! - photos added

    It's okay i've worked it out now!! LOL!!! Try again.... Here's Harlie & Galen...
  11. T

    Hi everyone! - photos added

    Here's my new lovelies.... Introducing... Harlie & Galen (it means 'little bright one') (Harlie (girl) is the Harlequin and Galen (boy) is the white one) HANG ON!! Wheres the add an attachment button??? How do I get the pics on???[/img]
  12. T

    Dried fruit and nuts

    I've been told bunnies can have dried fruit and nuts, but does anyone know which ones? Or if its easier which ones can't they have? Thank you! :wink:
  13. T

    Jill...come piccies of Coco :-D

    What a glossy beauty! And such rich colours! LOVELY! :D
  14. T

    Hi everyone! - photos added

    Hello all! My name is Aimeé and I am the proud new owner of two beautiful lop eared bunnies... In fact they are on the way here as I type!! LOL! I'm 20 years old and a Mom of 2 little monsters. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing all the hints and tips and lovely...