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Dried fruit and nuts


New Kit
I've been told bunnies can have dried fruit and nuts, but does anyone know which ones?

Or if its easier which ones can't they have?

Thank you! :wink:
No they mustn't eat nuts, I wouldn't give dried fruit either, too fattening! Avoid pet shop treats as well, those honey sticks aren't good for them!Mine get a tiny piece of apple as a treat :D

I wouldn't feed my buns nuts but they do have some dried fruit - very little and not very often.

I give mine dried raisens, pineapple and papya and banana chips :D
taylor v 109 said:
I do know someone who does feed nuts as a treat but there rearly not for rabbits. val

is this because of the high fat content of nuts in general?
or are they toxic? :?
maxxev said:
taylor v 109 said:
I do know someone who does feed nuts as a treat but there rearly not for rabbits. val

is this because of the high fat content of nuts in general?
or are they toxic? :?

I don't think they are toxic because mine have eaten peanuts that fell off the bird table. Just too high in fat and bad for the digestive system. Rabbits are designed to eat grass so ideally they should only eat hay, grass and green leafy veg that is high in fibre.
I don't feed mine nuts but the occasional piece of dried papaya, pineapple, apricot or mango usually goes down a treat! I get those "ready-to-eat" dried fruit mixes so I don't need to soak the fruit first. They get one piece every few days.
