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  1. E

    So I am impressed

    awww that sounds so sweet, you must be really happy for Simba! Its good for Simba that he has a good home and he's fine there, and very welcomed! Congrats ahaha x:D
  2. E

    bonding and bottom biting !

    That is what happened with my rabbits but eventually after helping them by telling them off or separating them in different parts of the cage, they have turned out fine and currently are fine with eachother, although the younger was mounting the other in my case, i'm sure your rabbits will turn...
  3. E

    Hello :)

    Really cute bunnies, hope u have fun with them lionheads are nice, fluffly, beautiful bunnies:love::thumb:. Good luck with picking their name :love:
  4. E


    sorry, no i dont know anywhere but bunny babies are soo cute and such rascals, good luck :)
  5. E

    Bunnies Enjoying the sunshine

    awwwww, they're soo adorable:wave:
  6. E

    Urgent advice/oppinions please.. 30% weightloss!!!!

    Is ur rabbit okay, i read the thread and wish you all the best of luck and that he gets better soon and can get back with his wife happy.
  7. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    Dont woz its fine x, the more the better, hopefully they wont lose THAT much litter training coz one of my rabbits is really really restless and it was quite hard to teach her. Thankyou sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for...
  8. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    Wow, thats a lot of info that i need to take in. thankyou SOOOOOOOO much for the advice, their room is ready soon (a couple weeks to about a month (we need to transfer all the stuff coz it is a used room) it'll be ready in) and hopefully they'll be best in there.
  9. E

    Trevor has gone into heart failure, / great news p212

    oh my gosh i'm so sorry hopefully she gets better by tommorrow, :cry:
  10. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    yehhh i give them lots of hay so their probs not as bored anymore. but yehh i'll see if i can get them a pen to run around in or i'll just bunny-proof the room like you said and let them out when i go. but i probaly wont be going out AS much any more (not that i was going out loads), because...
  11. E

    Female to female behaviour

    thankyou all for the help:D, and i well go on the vets website to see what to do and when to do:thumb:. What vets would you guys recommend (if you're in England)?
  12. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    kk thx, I'll get them out as much as possible ever day. thankyou.
  13. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    my rabbits have a double decker cage and they do have a LOT of the time outside (they never stop biting the cage bars) they probs reach about 6-7 hours oustide of the cage each day. When i am out sometimes it goes down to about 3 hours a day. what happens if they dont get out enough?
  14. E

    Female to female behaviour

    yes i'll get it done as soon as possible. i'll talk to the vets about it and see when they can do it. hopefully as soon as possible. thankyou for your help, i know what to do now.:D
  15. E

    He's come so far..

    he's adorable:love:, i wish you and him all the best of luck.:wave:
  16. E

    Female to female behaviour

    so u have to go to the vets? does it cost money?
  17. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    they are indoor rabbits and i do let them out. once one of the rabbits opened the cage herself and started biting a wire but we caught her before she could get hurt luckily, she is a very cheeky and clever rabbit.
  18. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    Yerr i dont have a run. And i have started giving them wayyyy moreeeeee hay so hopefully its all good in the hood. THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE ADVICE, i really needed it.
  19. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    They have a double decker cage and a playroom to run and play in, but no run, just a playroom ( i dont really know what a run is the pet shop told us nothing about a run).
  20. E

    whie liquid in rabbits cage, any idea what it is?

    Theres 0.7mg of calcium iodate anhydrous but nothing about the usual 'calcuim'. But theres 13% protein...? And i'll definetely start giving them more hay thx