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  1. Dog Star

    Spenser being spoilt...

    :love: :love: :love: That is one happy bunbun! Spenser is having quite a pampering session!
  2. Dog Star

    Chat Up Line Chaos Fundraiser Closed/ UD Winners Announced!

    Champ has a line for Snowy: 'You're more than just my honey, you're my snuggle bunny!' Bailey Bunny has a line for Snowy: 'You're the light at the end of my burrow!' Almond Blossom has a line for Bilbo: 'You know, you look a lot like my next husbun.' :love: :love: :love:
  3. Dog Star

    Chat Up Line Chaos Fundraiser Closed/ UD Winners Announced!

    How long is the fundraiser open? I don't get paid for my grass chomping duties until the end of the month. And since I am half bunny, can I enter? *snuffle sniff* :bunny: :rabbit2:
  4. Dog Star

    Please give a gentle welcome to

    The poor wee lamb looks like she could use all the love she can get but I know you are the perfect mama for her. She is safe now. xxx
  5. Dog Star

    Nethie Baby PicsMore Pic pt 50

    WAIIIIIIII!!!! I wants them!!!!! What gorgeous little darlings^^
  6. Dog Star

    Cruelty on a national scale!

    Cruelty on a national scale This is so sickening. I always had a lot of respect for the swedish but that is just so incredibly cruel. If rabbits are a pest it's nothing to what the human race is. They plan on breeding the rabbits, not just using the wild ones. RABBIT MURDER IS NOT AND SHOULD...
  7. Dog Star

    Windmill says " Munchie Nom-nom!"

    feefee, if you take them in I'll definately have to visit!!! :love: :love: :love:
  8. Dog Star

    Two Dutch Bunnies

    :love: isn't they gorgeous^^ I hope they go to a very loving home. I would love to take them in, sadly I'm too far away :(
  9. Dog Star

    Bunnies making silly faces

    :love: :love: :love: Awwww Mrs Mona! what a wubbable wee face! Little Miss Bonnie has come out of her shell tremendously though :) lovely too see. Give them hugs from me feef! :love:
  10. Dog Star


    awww what a cute wee bunnie postcard! very sweet together :love: :love:
  11. Dog Star

    Lots of Texel Piggies!

    aw what little darlings! :love: funnily enough my neighbour was saying i should get some guineapiggies^^
  12. Dog Star

    They took away my manhood

    :love: what a wee cutie! naughty mr or mrs vet took your manhood, poor baby :cry:
  13. Dog Star

    How felt and coat hangers make a mobilie

    :love: I want one!!! Baby will have a lovely wee start in life^^ I had the honour of buying Baby its first bunny cuddly toys: You're a great mummy to the buns so I know you will be great to Baby, Feef :D
  14. Dog Star

    My Silver Angel

    Jack's-Jane thanks for the kind words. I did learn and I learned the hard way. It's just still a shock even though it's been five years.
  15. Dog Star

    My Silver Angel

    Yesterday 12th March was the fifth anniversary of the death of my little Mithril. She was the sweetest, most innocent and true soul I have ever had the honour of knowing. I have never met a nicer human or animal. It's five years on but I remember it as if it were yesterday. She died most likely...
  16. Dog Star

    Fundraising Ideas

    ;)Hi, I thoughth I would post a few fundraising ideas I have.:wave: I used to be very involved at the SSPCA Midlothian centre where we held an annual open day. Activities included a jumble sale, face painting, food stalls, pony rides for kids, police dog displays and dressed up staff members...
  17. Dog Star

    Candle Ceremony December And January

    My little Ebonnie I love you always and I can't wait to cuddle your beautiful velvety little body again, you are so full of warmth and love and I know you are always with your little Nori who misses you more than anything. Binky free my wonderful little Toots. I love you always Ebonnie. I can't...
  18. Dog Star

    Baby Bunnies!

    awwwww they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!:love::love::love::love::love::love: I miss having baby bu:love:nnies^^ but it's so wonderful to see them grow up^^
  19. Dog Star

    Who is the fairest of them all?

    Mona!!!! babiekins^^ and wee Eli snuffles^^ wubs wubs and more wubs!!!!!
  20. Dog Star

    Piggy Snouts and Squishy Mouths

    :love::love::love::love::love::love:wub!!!!! my wee babies^^ I just want to cuddle you all so much^^ hehe aw the wee squishies with their mouthies open^^ wubbbbbbsies^^:love::love::love::love::love: