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Fundraising Ideas

Dog Star

Young Bun
;)Hi, I thoughth I would post a few fundraising ideas I have.:wave:

I used to be very involved at the SSPCA Midlothian centre where we held an annual open day. Activities included a jumble sale, face painting, food stalls, pony rides for kids, police dog displays and dressed up staff members.
It was always a lot of fun with goods donated by the public and people would drive for miles just to take part which was really great. Depending on where the animal rescue is situated, such an event would be a good advertisement. The SSPCA distributed posters in Balerno village where the centre is situated and was allowed to post them for free since they are a charity.

Another method is if children are involved in the charity they could bring it up at school. Does anyone remember those Blue Peter fundraising sales that schools used to hold? Well something along those lines.

Another one is if someone is willing to devote a bit of time, they could do arts and crafts for sale with proceeds going to the charity. I have a lot of free time on my hands so I've been wondering about that. If anyone has any interest, let me know^^
Thank you for sharing, we are always looking out for new ideas for fundraising so any thoughts are greatly appreciated! :D