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Recent content by ~Tracey~

  1. T

    Lionel is getting older

    Aww what a beauty
  2. T

    This is an emergency, please can someone help

    Glad he is picking up
  3. T

    mr.johnson mix

    We use it, the supreme in the green bag my buns love it
  4. T

    Do you sometimes not bother to do the buns?

    I do mine whatever the weather, i was outside yesterday and it was pouring down, had my brolly up hubby said i was mad lol
  5. T

    Is anyone able to help?

    Poor little rabbit, that is so sad
  6. T

    Insulating Hutch?

    Mine have a snugglesafe heatpad each, loads of straw and hubby fitted a light with a 40watt bulb in that keeps the hutch warm, i also put bubble wrap across the mesh leaving a space at the end where the water bottles go
  7. T

    Litter Tray!! What goes in it???

    I use sawdust and straw in mine
  8. T

    Sleepy Fae

    Aww he looks so peaceful
  9. T

    Michael, My Handsome Boy!!

    Aww he is Beautiful
  10. T

    Pictures - Finally of my adopted angora

    Aww beautiful
  11. T


    Aww he's lovely
  12. T

    More Miloe pics

    Aww so cute
  13. T

    Best rabbit harness / lead ?

    Mine use a cat harness
  14. T

    How long?

    Well i have french lops and was told up to 5yrs but i guess it depends on how they are looked after
  15. T


    I mix mine in with their pellets