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Best rabbit harness / lead ?

Hi guys

Can anyone recommend a good harness lead? I've heard the Pets At Home ones are useless...? The one I buy needs to be really safe as my flat has big communal gardens and it would be a nightmare if Barney escaped.

Safety is most important factor although I would prefer to get one that doesn't make the poor creature look like he's into bondage :lol:

Thanks for all your help previously - Barney is now a very happy, naughty little rabbit.

I dont like harnesses and leads, i find them to be too restricting for the bun, i think its best not to have one. Does the bun live inside or outside?

He lives inside. He has a balcony to run around on but that's all. A lead is the only chance he'll have to get out on the grass unfortunately.
Be careful and make sure your harness fits really well - we had someone report that they'd lost their giant bun in the park y'day after it escaped out of its' harness.. :cry:
Yes, if Joey decided to bolt he'd get so thin he'd wriggle straight out of it, but I didn't want to do it too tight, so just gave up in the end.