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  • Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

This is an emergency, please can someone help

I wouldnt be too happy about the nurse assuming he was ok, because he looked 'perky'.... all animals 'perk up' when they get to the vets unless they really are already at deaths door.... I do hope your bun receives the medication he needs asap.
he's back at the vets 8 tonight i couldn't get a quickewr appointmant i'm so worried he's not moved for 4 hours now, not drunk anything all afternoon, will keep everyone posted it does look like stasis, but i haven't nany idea what's caused it, i haven't changed his feeding pattern or anything like it, his sister is fine i haven't got a clue but i'm so worried i'm gonna loose him.:cry:
Can you syringe some water in though? It's not food he needs (if no poo is coming out, it's just going to build up inside) but fluids.
To be honest the cases of stassis I've encountered havent really had a definate cause either, .... I think thats one of the main dangers with it. People seem to expect a dramatic change in diet to be the cause, but bunnies insides are soooo delicate it can happen over something you may not ever know about. Its a long time for him to go without any treatment, I really would try and take him in earlier.

I'd also consider changing vets if they dont see this as urgent enough to fit you in earlier.
Rabbits are obligate nose breathers, a rabbit taking in air through its mouth is in real distress.

Get to that rabbit to a vet NOW or you are seriously in danger of loosing him.
:shock:I can't believe your vet would refuse to see you without cash upfront especially as you have so many animals you must surely be a good customer. Time to change your vet I think. I do hope something can be done for your poor bunster, but can't help feeling that he's been left too long without treatment.:( Vibes for him and you....
I agree - the rabbit needed to see the vet as soon as you noticed something was wrong - they should have seen bunny before now - I would complain that you were sent home before on the basis that a nurse said he had 'perked up'. Bunny is obviously in need of attention and they should have realised that when you described his symptoms. I hope he is feeling better soon.
omg i've just read through this thread and omg i really hope bunny's ok i really cant believe your vet didnt see bunny considering the state he was in i really really hope everything's ok but i really would consider changing vets!!! xxx
On both sides of your rabbits front teeth there's a gap you can put the syringe so the rabbit doesn't destroy it.

Hope he will be okay
omg what's happened!???? i can't believe the nurse:shock:. If you had an appointment you should still have seen the vet.

I hope everythings ok, but i have a terrible feeling there's going to be bad news :cry:
OOOOOOOOk!:D I have some fairly good news. I called the vet again and they managed to get me n Bugs in earlier than 8 pm, we went at 6.45.He was given a painkiller jab, gut stimulant jab, an antibiotic jab (just in case) and some vitamin e orally. I still have him in the house, in his dog cage in the bathroom.about an hour after getting back from the vets, the panting had stopped, and he'd livened up a bit.2 hours and he had started eating again! I was so pleased to see he had eaten most of his greens although he's not touched his mix much which i guess is something good.His ears are erct and he's on the hop! He's also eating his hay!Still no poos tho but i'm hoping to find some in the morning.He looked like he was at death's door this morning so to come round this quick to me is a miracle!Just waiting for poo's now! I could be dancing on the ceiling!:D I honestly thought i had lost him...I know how quick bunnies go downhill which was why i was so worried about him! i think he must have got all your bunny vibes and he is very attached to me so i was going in the bathroom to see him and give him cuddles.I'm so glad i didn't leave the food run till this afternoon or i might have had a different and much sadder ending to the day.I will keep you posted on the poo though and thank you everyone for responding so quick.I just wish i knew what caused this and how to prevent it happening in future. Thank you again!:)
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Guess what! I just checked again and i found two malteasers! lol! Giant bunny sized poos! Hopefully more in the morning and he's eaten some of his mix too! yayayayayayayayay!:D
Oh thank goodness for that, I am so relieved for you both!

He must feel so much better now he has had appropriate treatment. :D
jus read this...im appalled at your vets!!

Im so glad to hear hes doing well now.fingers crossed for total recovery..did the vet not have any ideas on what it may have been at all?