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Recent content by *Red*

  1. R


    Hello and welcome! Shearer and Violet sound like very lucky bunnies! :)
  2. R

    Mouse - suspected EC.

    Sorry, I knew I'd forget key bits! :roll: X-rays showed nothing wrong at all..
  3. R

    Mouse - suspected EC.

    Hi all, Hope everybody & bun is well. I’m sorry I’ve not been more active recently, work is still extremely busy and access to the net is limited at the moment at home – my dongle is ****. Anyway, a couple of you may have seen on Facebook, but Mouse is currently not well, with suspected EC :(...
  4. R

    4.7.12 Dylan has gone to the Bridge

    I'm so sorry to hear about Dylan :( xxx
  5. R

    Spring bunnies - proceeds to Pledge a Pound total raised post 508

    Karen can we expect any this year perhaps??? :D
  6. R

    Rehomed: Rex brothers - Little Angels, Romford, Essex

    Oh. My. God. :love::love::love::love: And Romford's only down the road!
  7. R

    Hurrah a bonding has worked!

    Oh!!!! Isn't that lovely!! :love: And gosh, he looks like my Mouseykins!! :love:
  8. R

    more uber cute pic of our new arrival ..and name

    Oh oh oh!! :love::love::love: You come up with the best names!! :D and.. I want all your buns!
  9. R

    Cinderella and Prince charming (sad begining ..hopefully better ending .)

    Oh :cry: that's awful! That's actually bought a tear to my eye, at work.
  10. R

    Available Rescue: Walsall RSPCA - Tinkerbell

    She has the same ears as Mickey :love: helicopter ears!
  11. R

    Available Individual: Billijean needs a home from mid-May

    Hiya, I've only just seen this thread. She is gorgeous, and I'm so sorry to hear you have to part with her :cry: I'm assuming as she's a housebunny that she's not toooo destructive? I'm looking for a really specific kinda girly bun to bond with Mickey. He has free range of the lounge, he's not...
  12. R

    Available Rescue: A Very Special Pair of Does

    Oh bless them both!! :love:
  13. R

    A thread of things that make you smile

    This is a great thread!!!! :love: all of these photos!
  14. R

    "Thursday.. Not Long Now"

    All my buns slurp!!! :shock: :lol: Mickey's so loud I hear him over the TV in the lounge! Mango always dribbles tea down her chin when she drinks it from the cup, it went all over my bed when this photo was taken :roll: she jumped straight up and stuck her nose in, I didn't get a chance to grab...
  15. R

    Julie & I had afternoon tea! Yum!

    They look yummy!! Oooohh I want afternoon tea now! :lol: