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Spring bunnies - proceeds to Pledge a Pound total raised post 508


And for all you vultures, :p the next litter (still not sure of number but at least 9 at the moment!) will be up for sale on Sunday 28th August, time still to be announced.

Ooh!! I think I may have to hang about for a friend for my bunny ;) Although I am waiting until people who are still after one has got one :) They are lovely :love:
I've been intending to start 'breeding' again but I never seem to find the time. :oops: If summer ever arrives, I'll hopefully be able to make some while I'm watching the real bunnies in the garden. :D:D
I've been intending to start 'breeding' again but I never seem to find the time. :oops: If summer ever arrives, I'll hopefully be able to make some while I'm watching the real bunnies in the garden. :D:D

Ohhh, fingers crossed for summer coming!