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My bunny has swollen red and weeping eyes :'(

Im registering Autumn with another vet and getting him checked over and having all his vaccinations done so they are up 2 date. Im no longer leaving him outside, im bringing him back indoors as a house bunny. its far too risky out there with all the mozzies.

be aware mozzis can strike jsut as easily indoors, there is no "safe" place sadly. you must have your rabbit in the enviroment that is best for them some love being a house bunny others hate it and much prefer the outdoors, also with a house rabbit you will have to consider bunny proofing, litter training, household damage, any lease /tenancy agreements if you rent form landlord, and of cours evitamin d from lack of sunlight and ensure they have a hay rich diet if not grazing on grass. this is not to put you off some of the happiest bunnies are house rabbits but i have some bunnies who hate the indoors or would be unsuitable as indoor bunnies for various reasons, regardless of indoor or out another bunyn fail safe precaution agianst disease is rear gaurd, this protects against fly strike it is vet prescription only and unlike the fly deterrants pet shops sell it prevents the eggs from hatching into maggots. hope i dont overload you with too much but i can tell you are devastated about your loss and want to protect autumn from future harm as much as possibile.x
be aware mozzis can strike jsut as easily indoors, there is no "safe" place sadly. you must have your rabbit in the enviroment that is best for them some love being a house bunny others hate it and much prefer the outdoors, also with a house rabbit you will have to consider bunny proofing, litter training, household damage, any lease /tenancy agreements if you rent form landlord, and of cours evitamin d from lack of sunlight and ensure they have a hay rich diet if not grazing on grass. this is not to put you off some of the happiest bunnies are house rabbits but i have some bunnies who hate the indoors or would be unsuitable as indoor bunnies for various reasons, regardless of indoor or out another bunyn fail safe precaution agianst disease is rear gaurd, this protects against fly strike it is vet prescription only and unlike the fly deterrants pet shops sell it prevents the eggs from hatching into maggots. hope i dont overload you with too much but i can tell you are devastated about your loss and want to protect autumn from future harm as much as possibile.x

Please get autumn checked over and vaccinated, both my buns are house buns although they do go outside i still get them vaccinated every 6 months, mozzies can get into your home and attack, i hope you are ok you have had a terrible week. xx
I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, and also sorry to hear that it was misdiagnosed (not only by 1 vet but 2 vets... :?) what an awful situation to be in where you were given hope and then had it dashed :cry:

I think there were some reccomendations of bunny-savvy vets in your area earlier in the thread, please do register at a vet who knows what they are talking about when it comes to the long-eared fuzzy-footed types, and get Autumn checked over ASAP by someone who is knowledgeable about rabbits x

I would (gently) also suggest that you insist on face-to-face consultations rather than phone consultations too, I insist on actually seeing a vet even at 1am in the morning (I would also give some thought to getting rabbit insurance too, to take the worry away from expensive emergency out of hours appointments and care)
I'm so SO sorry, and really feel for you with the awful vet and receptionist!! I really would recommend you take your other bunny to Mark Rowland at Trinity Vets in Maidstone for a really good checkup and myxo vaccs.
I'm very sorry that the Oaks weren't as bunny savvy as i'd been told about.

I'm really so very sorry :(
I too am very sad to hear your news.My worry now is that the other one will have it:cry: I lost my whole bunny family last year to this horrid disease.It spreads like wild fire.if she is symptom free still in 3 weeks i believe you can vaccinate.
I'm very sorry that the Oaks weren't as bunny savvy as i'd been told about.

I'm really so very sorry :(

I'm really sorry for your loss brutual baby. I just wanted to know if you used the oaks vets in lordswood? I use them and they have always been fantastic but now I'm having second thoughts if this is the way they have treated you and your bunny :(
I'm really sorry xx
I've only just seen this thread and I'm so sorry for you and poor Destiny. I've learnt from this though, I had been planning to only get yearly myxi jabs for my two house bunnies but I'll make sure I get 6 monthly boosters too.
I'm so SO sorry, and really feel for you with the awful vet and receptionist!! I really would recommend you take your other bunny to Mark Rowland at Trinity Vets in Maidstone for a really good checkup and myxo vaccs.

Agreed. Trinity Vets are the best in the area. Only takes me 20 minutes to get there from Gillingham.

Can I ask what vets you have been using so far? You can PM if you prefer.

I am so sorry you lost Destiny xxx
i didnt go to oaks in the end i had to go to the emergency vets in chatham.

i am now of to the vets in gillingham to have bunny vaccinated, im going to the old vets i use to go when i had my dog they was very good with him.

i cant risk it with autumn.
i didnt go to oaks in the end i had to go to the emergency vets in chatham.

i am now of to the vets in gillingham to have bunny vaccinated, im going to the old vets i use to go when i had my dog they was very good with him.

i cant risk it with autumn.

Sadly even though they are good with dogs or cats they rarely have the knowledge for rabbits.
Sadly even though they are good with dogs or cats they rarely have the knowledge for rabbits.

I'm afraid I have to second this. Cats and dogs are common treatment, rabbits are classed as exotic or specialist. There is a list somewhere on here (I can't seem to find it atm) of questions to ask to test how rabbit-savvy a vet is - things to ask like "if I want my bunny neutered, should I starve the rabbit the morning of the surgery?" and other examples - their resposes can be checked against the correct answers to give a good idea of if they know their bunnies :wave:
Has she died?

She was PTS :cry:

Sadly Destiny was put to sleep today.

It was confirmed she had Myxi!! I can not believe that the vet had passed it on as conjunctivitis!! she had to suffer 4days thinking it was just an eye infection!

Im registering Autumn with another vet and getting him checked over and having all his vaccinations done so they are up 2 date. Im no longer leaving him outside, im bringing him back indoors as a house bunny. its far too risky out there with all the mozzies.

Im going to miss my lil girl soo much, its such a sad day. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible i tried my best. I blame myself for not checking up if she defo had her vaccine against myxo!!

At least she is out of pain now, always in my heart bless her she was only 8months :(

RIP Desting my lil girl :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
i dont normally comment on posts but i felt i had to say something about this i have just read this thread and just wanted to say that I am really sorry for ur loss and that u have had such a hard time.

Poor little destiny, RIP :( At least destiny is not suffering anymore, poor little thing