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Please Send Lots of Vibes for Tree's Zippy-U/D 5th Dec Pics Added Post 67

Thank you so much everyone and thank you Jane :love:

I have really sore eyes from crying, she has had an abscess come up on her head now, her eyes look terrible (although there has been a bit improvement in them). I have asked the vet to xray her and it's going to be done under sedation rather than GA and she's going to have her abscess done. The earliest they could do her is Thursday, we will hopefully then know what's going on, I need to make a decision about whether to let her go or not and we can't make a decision like that without all the facts. She is then booked in at another vets for a second opinion. I don't want to lose Zippy I love her so much :cry::cry::cry:

Awwwwwww Tree you have done everything possible for Zippy and she is lucky to have you. Lots of people give up at the first hurdle but because you know Zips and how much she wants to fight on you have not given up on her.
Like I've said, I haven't met Zippy but she has become very special to me too.

Lots of huggles and a nosey rub for Zippy

AWW Tree,Im praying so hard for you and Ziippy,She couldnt wish for a more loving and caring mummy:love::love:
I am so sorry that Zippy now has an abscess. Im thinking of you both at this worrying timexxxx
Abcesses really are the flavour of the month at the moment arn't they :evil:.

Zippy is a real trouper, I am sure as long as she wants to keep fighting she will make sure you know about it. :)
I hope Zippy had a comfortable night and is still wanting her food.
Please give the brave Bunster are nose-rub from me :love:
Awwww thanks and Jane you're so considerate :love:

Well she's ok, the abscess is looking loads bigger, I am hoping it will pop on the outside rather than inside, but she gets it done tomorrow anyway. He eyes are very sore, but I think the soreness is from where we're bathing then, rather than the actual gunk itself. I am looking forward to her having the xrays as we will have a better idea of what's going on, but I am scared too, in case it comes out with real bad news. I am trying to remain positive today, yesterday I was in total bits and I had spent the night before having nightmares about her dying so I was seriously tired and worked up.

Last night was quite funny though, I have her and Scooby in at the minute (can't bring the lads in with them as they're naughty), in the night last night I could hear some crashing about and I thought oh eck she's dying, rushed up and they were breaking into Ste's room (they're a bit obsessed with Ste) they were proper charging at his door until it opened :lol:. I couldn't clean her eyes before work as they had disappeared in with Ste, but stuck my head around the door and could see them and all was fine, didn't want to go proper in though as Ste was naked :oops:. He will do them first thing :lol:
Thanks Jason, she is on ceporex injections at the minute, but abscess seems to be the least of her problems, it is quite a superficial one. I am worried that when they x ray they'll find a lot of them internally, but trying not to think that.