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who has the most buns?

We have 2 and they are a handful.

Just wondering, who has the most house rabbits? Unless Jane really has 40+ buns running loose in her home.
just 3... and jane do you have a mansion or what?!?!?! I've seen a pic or two of your bun-filled kitchen btu HOW do you fit in 42?!?! that is commendable!
I have 2 - Jane, where do you sleep:lol: Is there any room left for you with all those buns.

You are one very lucky bunny mum - and they are very lucky buns to have a mum like you:D:D
I'm imagining Jane's computer is sitting in a home office with bookshelves full of bunnies sitting in them :)
I have seven of my own, and one little foster boy......not sure if he'll be leaving though.

If Doorkeeper comes on I reckon she'll be at the top of the list - I reckon last week it was around the 130 mark:shock:(residents and those awaiting adoption)
We have 14 (soon to be 15 with the gorgeous REW Claudia from Jill) & even tho they can be extremely naughty ;) i wouldn't swap them for the world :D

Amanda :wave: