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whats happening to the love?


Warren Veteran
Ok i know its not the first time its happened but this is twice in 24 hrs now..whats going on?
bif approaches a snoozy bertie or a munching dinner bertie and goes under his tummy like she wants a hug and then goes to nip at his tummy..he runs she chases and it becomes an encircling session whilst moving all over the crate the run and today the lounge itself.
The more he ran away and stopped to see if she was following him the faster she ran and snapped at his tail end!
Theres the obligatory heap of pulled out bertie fluff and a mean looking bif sitting glaring at him..
they go apart and sulk and withing a few minutes are so loved up and washing..
what the heck is going on?
I would say dominance but to be so unprovoked!!
I always used to blame him..i though he got fruity with her even tho theyre both done..and she was defending hersefl..um no..its that feisty little madam!
any ideas?
hmmmm strange.. im afraid i havent a clue.. hopefully someone else might have some suggestions.
has anything changed recently? new pets? new home?
Would be very interested in this. There's a lot of belly pinching going on in my little gang, they are not chasing but I have noticed more 'humping' too :roll: Definitely my boy bunny reasserting his status I think!

Fiona x