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Longest living rabbit


Mama Doe
Out of curiosity to see if my 10 year old was anywhere close :lol: I googled the longest living rabbit. 17 years!


I just felt a little sad that the rabbit only lived on hay and pellets it's entire life, which made me remember some research that animals on very low calories lived longer, so rats lived a few months - 6 months longer with low calories than those with a high/normal calorie diet.

And I thought how sad. Peter really enjoys his veg, fruit herbs and treats. Though with all my pets I have always been strict with treats, most of the time they never got any for over week or more, but when it came to veg and herbs, I gave them often or daily. Even my old Lhasa apso demanded broccoli when I was giving the rabbits some. (She was a rescue oldie, and ex-breeder I think they said so was really surprised when she barked at me and was extremely excited for the veg one day :lol:)

Though I know with rabbits hay is the main food source anyway, and maybe she got him different types of hay and grasses.
My lionhead fudge is 10 too :wave:

He is my only rabbit now and sadly once he has gone I won't get anymore

How come? :(
These are my first two, and I am certain I will get some more. Maybe not straight away but defo later on in life.
17 years :shock: I wonder what the highest on this forum is. I know about some 12 year old but no older :)
i thought mine at 8 1/2 was old :lol: even the vet said they rarely see rabbits at that age :shock:

Mine are 7/8ish and when I take them to the vets I get questioned on that when they look at their teeth haha! I adopted them when they were 4(ish).

I am sure my Uncle had a rabbit who lived to 17 or more years old. I will find out when I next speak to him. The rabbit didn't even die of old age, it was Myxi that got him in the end!
Aw lovely oldies.

Yeah the vets was always shocked when they saw Peta as she didn't even look old and her and Peter's teeth were always complimented on. Peter is starting to look his age, and looks worse when he moults :roll: I'm sure if pneumonia didn't get her, she'd probably have given 17 years a go.