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Imogen likes her metacam - video and a health update!


Wise Old Thumper
So much so I struggle to hold the syringe (and in this video she pulled the whole thing out of my hand :lol:)

I'm happy to say that it results show that Imogen just has a respiratory infection which should be cured with some more antibiotics :thumb: nothing sinister :love:
Nawww, what a sweetheart and glad shes gonna be okay! :love:
My Bobby had a respiratory infection and his antiobotics were banana flavoured, he used to hold onto it and actually chewed the end of a couple so badly I had to go back to the vets to get more, they couldn't believe it when I said he loved his meds so much he refused to give it back!
She hates the baytril (it stinks!) but metacam is honey flavoured :love: Sebastian had the banana flavoured ones too once, he loved it :lol: