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Young bun - trimming claws?


New Kit
I'm still getting Blossom used to being handled and at the moment I certainly wouldn't want to try cutting her claws myself as she is still to skittish. I'm also a bit nervous about taking her to the vets to have it done as I'm still trying to earn her trust, however in the interests of her health this may be my best option.

Obviously with the weather being so unpredicatable and also a high number of cats visiting the garden, I can't really put her outside at the moment to try and wear them down naturally.

Is there anything I could put in her indoor cage / run to help her wear her nails down a bit?
My guys are house buns and need their claws clipping regularly. It's not always easy, especially solo so I'd agree the vets may be the best option. Sometimes even very nervy animals cope better that you'd imagine at the vets. It is important to keep nails trimmed though as they can catch longer nails very easily which results in alarmingly copious amounts of blood and appears to be quite painful. The cost is minimal and getting her used to the vets is a useful part of life too.

I can't think of anything you could have in the house to wear down her claws other than paving slabs instead of carpet?! It's just part and parcle of being a house bunny-regular manicures and pedicures!
Claw Clipping

Hi, my bunnies were older when I got them and are not overly enamoured with being handled (picked up) though they are very friendly! They are house buns and need their claws clipped regularly. I bought some clippers with a view to doing them myself but chickened out. So the claws got longer.... I took them to the vet in the end as they had to be done, and to my amazement they were both as good as gold with him!!! No wriggling or anything! So although you may be worrying about stressing your bun going to the vet, they might actually be more chilled out having it done there! Also, he gave them a thorough MOT while they were there, weighed them etc etc. So in the long run, I'm really glad I went all round. Hope this helps.
Can anyone post a pic to show a bunny with perfect length of claws.. I had Floppys checked 3 weeks ago and they were fine but I am unsure now as I hear him tap tapping round the slabs on the run...

I will need to take him to vets as I too am unsure how to do it without hurting him

Fee x
Can anyone post a pic to show a bunny with perfect length of claws.. I had Floppys checked 3 weeks ago and they were fine but I am unsure now as I hear him tap tapping round the slabs on the run...

I will need to take him to vets as I too am unsure how to do it without hurting him

Fee x

i don't have a picture but i think it's generally the length of their furry footsies people use as a measure, if the claws are growing beyond their fur on their feet then its time for a little snip. If you're unsure on how to do it I would advise getting a nurse to do it though, it can be hard the first few times not getting the quick! also depending on the colour of the claws, if they're white it is easier because you can see the quick and then you know how far you can clip!
Can anyone post a pic to show a bunny with perfect length of claws.. I had Floppys checked 3 weeks ago and they were fine but I am unsure now as I hear him tap tapping round the slabs on the run...

I will need to take him to vets as I too am unsure how to do it without hurting him

Fee x

With black nails, it's best just to take the very edge off as you can never tell where the quick is unless you use a flashlight, and even then it can be difficult. With white nails, cut to just below to quick. The more often you trim, the further back the quick goes, so the shorter you can go. I'd say as long as it is comfortable for them to walk on and isn't putting holes in you when you have laptime, they're a good length.
Thanks folks... figure they must be ok them as no blood drawn from my lap or arms!,!,