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(new here) Baby rabbit nursing help!


New Kit
Hi...I'm new here...this is my first post...my name is Nicole =] This site was given to me by someone on the degu/chinchilla forum that I follow.

Okay..so really quick..I'm nursing a baby bunny at this time..he's maybe 10 days old at the most now. Just today he started opening his eyes.

Well, my question is, I've been reading up a lot on giving rabbit droppings to him to ingest to help with the bacteria in his stomach. My question is, if I can't get a hold of some...do they sell something that can replace this that I can supply him with in his formula or by just putting it in his mouth?? I've never nursed a bunny, but I did nurse my degu. I got him when he was 2 days old and I nursed him back to health (even fixed some injuries he had) and now he's a healthy 1 year old boy. But I know that degu babies eat their mothers droppings for the same reason, but I never provided this to my boy and he turned out fine.

I know of one place that I can get droppings from, but I'm not confident in how healthy the rabbit is, and I don't want to spread anything to this fragile baby. and I want to start supplying food to him to nibble on, but I heard you can't do this until you get that bacteria in his tummy going.

Any advice would be very helpful...I hope I posted this in the correct place. Thank you guys in advance!!
Hey, I just saw this over on degu world and I saw you had posted on here. Just a quick bump so people who might be able to help you will see.

How is Thumper doing today?
Hey, thought this might help:

Droppings from another rabbit - although some people suggest that you collect droppings from a healthy rabbit and include these in with the feed, I personally do not agree as it is a totally pointless exercise. The basis behind the suggestion is that the caecotrophs (the droppings that the rabbit injests directly from the anus) do contain quite high levels of friendly bacteria and other nutrients, but as the rabbit eats them directly without them touching the floor, you will not in a healthy rabbit usually find any of these to collect! Normal droppings (the ones you usually see in the hutch) have been through the rabbit twice and contain relatively little bacteria and nutrients so are completely and utterly useless. You are far better to add a proper probiotic specially made for the job, as suggested above.

It would be worth reading the complete source too: http://www.cottontails-rescue.org.uk/handrear.asp