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Plz Help Is My Rabbit Pregnant!!!???


Mama Doe
i have a lionhead rabbit who was housed with what i thought was 2 females..turn out ones a male...so anyways she stated building a nest..she didnt pull out fur or anything just gathered loads of hay and paper in the corner of the cage...i waited a few days and then cleaned it up...about 2 days later she made another one. she lunged at me twice when ive tried to get things out her cage but apart from that shes still very friendly. i pet her and shes fine in fact shes prob nicer than she was before.
i dont know if she is pregnant or not. shes seperate from the male she doesnt seem to be eating massive amounts more.
im not a breeder thus do not know how to touch her belly safely to feel.
i have done loads of research but cant seem to find the answers i need. she has been in the same cage as the male and her other sister for about 1-2 months. she was the one that used to get humped more but she never raised her behind to let him so im not sure if she is
any help would be greatly apreciated.
If she been in with a male i would probably guess so especially if youve seen them hump, however im not 100% how long ago was it since you seperated them
Im not expert on pregnant bunnies but i'd probably guess that if there has been humping then she could well be pregnent :wave: Hope everything goes okay x
Take her to see the vet. An emergency spay might be an option. Get the sexes confirmed of your other rabbits at the same time.
If you had 2 females in with a male, then it's quite likely both females are pregnant, even if you didn't 'see' him humping them both.
thank you for reply
they been seperate now for about 8 days

well i dont know how long its been since they did it, but rabbits are pregnant for about 28-32 days so if it has only been 8 days i dont think she should be starting to build a nest
no the male is about 1 month younger than the girls.
the girls are sisters.
she was still in with the male when i noticed her making a nest then i seperated her from him.
if both females have been with a male they are almost definitely pregnant. I would contact your vet for advice on an emergency spay
oh...the other girl is still in with the male untill the weekend. but she doesnt let him hump her though

not seeing it doesn't mean it doesnt happen
they need to be serperated, if she gives birth with a male in the cage she could get pregnant all over again
oh my...ermm .... the one i think is pregnant is seperate from the male...but i left the other one in with him as i didnt have a spare indoor cage as this is unexpected.
i also heard that its not good to have any other rabbit in with a pregnant one which is why i couldnt put the other female in with her.
i am going to book both girls in for the vets tomoz to get them both checked...if both are not preggers i will put them together and get the male sorted out after xmas.
If it was me I would remove both females from the male and phone the vets in the morning for two emergency spays.
oh my...ermm .... the one i think is pregnant is seperate from the male...but i left the other one in with him as i didnt have a spare indoor cage as this is unexpected.
i also heard that its not good to have any other rabbit in with a pregnant one which is why i couldnt put the other female in with her.
i am going to book both girls in for the vets tomoz to get them both checked...if both are not preggers i will put them together and get the male sorted out after xmas.

I might be wrong, but im quite sure even if both girlies are pregnant they need sepetated.
first i go pets at home got 2 rabbits both meant to be female...turned out to both be male when i took them in to get fixed coz they were practically killing each other....
then i got a female from a breeder (turns out male)
and then rehomed 2 females
im defo looking up how to tell the difference so this sort of thing doesnt happen again.