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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Plz Help Is My Rabbit Pregnant!!!???

first i go pets at home got 2 rabbits both meant to be female...turned out to both be male when i took them in to get fixed coz they were practically killing each other....]then i got a female from a breeder (turns out male)
and then rehomed 2 females
im defo looking up how to tell the difference so this sort of thing doesnt happen again.

How many bun's do you have in total?
Just wondering :wave:
Well it is going to happen again unless you seperate them straight away you cant put 2 pregnant females togethor.you need to book 2 emergancy spays and get him done as soon as
i have 3 lionheads and 2 dutch
2 dutch have been fixed.
i will book an appointment tomorrow morning and see what the vet says.
thank you to everyone for the replies.
please though dont think i am an iresponsible pet owner.
i had no idea this would happen, i am more anoyed at pets at home i booked to health check apointments to double check sex and health and they canceled both apointments because emergencys so i blame them!!
stupid pets at home
Get your own vet, dont rely on pets at homes vets. Take BOTH females to the vet. You really do need to remove that female from the male right now. Get a dog crate if you cant afford a hutch. dog crates are really cheap on ebay, the huge ones are only like £40. Dont get them delivered though, go fetch them. You dont have time to wait for post. This is urgent. A spay will take out the uterus etc, so yes will kill the babies, but you could kill the babies and the mother if you dont and there are complications. Even if everything goes well with first time mums babies are more likely to die.
ok as i see it you have 2 does and buck which have been living together remove the buck from the does you can leave the does together they will be fine and if they have litters they will raise them together so dont panic about that i have does raising litters together all the time
ok provide loads of hay for nesting material and straw
ar they indoor rabbits or outside ?
if out side i would also add some newspaper too they can shred this up for bedding and it keeps the babies warm have layers of news paper under the main bedding too
try not to panic 7 mths is the adverage breeding age of a doe so she will be fine giving birth etc and if they have been with the buck both girls are probably pregnant the are pregnant for 31 days so depending on how long they have been together you may be able to work out the due date
if the doe is nesting yes she probably is getting ready just make sure there is loads of bedding especially with this weather if they are outside try move the hutch to a indoor area like a garage ( one that doesnt get used by cars ) or a shed that will offer some protection ;)
the other option which has been mentiond is just get the girls in for a spay and thet way you spay her and get rid of the babies too
best of luck and message me if you need to about anything :D
ann x
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they are all house rabbits. called the vets and i was unable to get an appointment for this weekend and they are fully booked.
i have seperated the other female from the male now.
so just going to wait and see what happens. ( i have booked an apointment for next sat)
thanks to everyone for the advise.
ill keep you all posted on what happens
they are all house rabbits. called the vets and i was unable to get an appointment for this weekend and they are fully booked.
i have seperated the other female from the male now.
so just going to wait and see what happens. ( i have booked an apointment for next sat)
thanks to everyone for the advise.
ill keep you all posted on what happens

If that's the earliest appointment your vet could offer, I think you may have to change vets. That's appauling.
i know i explained the situation but thats the best they could do. they said to call a few time throughout the day in case an apointment becomes available so im going to keep trying.
if not ill have to try a different vets i think.
i know i explained the situation but thats the best they could do. they said to call a few time throughout the day in case an apointment becomes available so im going to keep trying.
if not ill have to try a different vets i think.

problem is they wont class it as a emergency and it can wait after all she will still be pregnant at the next appoinment available or had the babies
try not to panic weekend appointments are usually for emergency only ;)
however having to wait for a week is a little crazy i would have thought they could get you in before then :? that is pretty bad if they cant help before tuesday id say change vets !
what about emergency clinic ?

it is 90% sure that the other femelle is pregnant as well ; it's very quick, and as females do not have periods like other mammals, they ovulate while copulating at any time of the year. In any case you need to spay both femelles in the future and castrate the male, it will be best for their health.

Males and females when not spayed must be separated at the age of 4 months latest.

Chloé my rabbit is the daughter of a brother and his sister aged 5 months old, and they produced 3 babies :( this is how I got her she was given away as an unwanted litter, poor thing ! Her owner did not know this could happen
hi everyone

just to update you

zebie had her babies yesterday night i think. i only noticed them about 1 hour ago and that was by luck. (i saw the straw moving around)
not sure how many she has yet, not sure if i should have a look. ive stoked the mum this morning and shes fine came up to me like normal. seems healthy and happy and shes eating well and drinking well.
the babies are really hidden in the hay and her fur should i have a look to see how many there are and if they are ok or leave them alone for a few days?

thank you