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Meet my new babies ! ..


Young Bun
after my wee baby bugs passed away over the weekend:( (whilst having his teeth removed) i didn't think i would want any more bunnies for a while but ....

my boyfriend got these yesterday :)

Alice is the creamy colored one and Jasper is the black nd white one :)



Jasper is 10 weeks and Alice is 8 weeks.. they are a bit shy still... jasper keeps stomping his foot :/ but Alice seems to be coming around :)
being used to short haired bunnies i don't actually have a bunny brush :oops:

in all fairness tho i didn't know my boyfriend was bringing home fluffballs :roll:
went to pets at home last night to get a brush after my bf came home with then ... but didn't actually get one ..to pricey (im a cheapskate lol ) will look for one on the net :roll: x hahah
aww there gorgeous! you'll have to get Jaspers bits chopped so no babies arrive :shock:

my brush cost £3.99 you'll have to buy a proper rabbit brush though i got a rabbit slicker brush but its not sharp like cat and dog ones. rabbits have tissue like skin so it easy torn with a rough brush (this did happen to a rabbit in my college during a grooming session :shock:)