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eric has been banished.....


Wise Old Thumper
to the outside whilst mummy tried to sand down the nibbles on the front door:evil:
Oh, I'll look after him if you like

Can't guarantee you'd get him back though :D
so he should be upset - i was when i saw the door - and the skirting board:shock: can't even offer to replace stuff as we live in a listed building:oops: naughty bunny:love:
Oh, he is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!:love:
(I would say that, he looks just like my Buttercup!)
I think I would forgive such a cutie anything!!!!
Beau has tonight managed to chew my phone charger, no wait ONLY phone charger, into SEVEN PIECES!!!

:shock::lol: what sort is it, i've got loads of spares from old phones (keep em just in case they get eric'd!) so if i have one to fit i'll send it to you:)
errr... samsung u600?

hmmmmm. i do have a samsung - somewhere. if i can find it i'll let you know:) (sounds odd that i keep them but having been caught out a couple of times not having a working charger i've kinda learnt that hoarding some things is useful:lol:)
hmmmmm. i do have a samsung - somewhere. if i can find it i'll let you know:) (sounds odd that i keep them but having been caught out a couple of times not having a working charger i've kinda learnt that hoarding some things is useful:lol:)

Beau chewed OHs so he now has to plug into the laptop to charge. So no, doesn't sound odd at all! :roll: that would be brill, thanks hun!!
Oh Eric, you have Alfie's sympathy - he spent quite a while behind bars and it's not nice. :lol::lol:
Ours gave up on the skirting boards and started on the wallpaper instead when we were at our old house - woodchip everywhere - they loved it! I'd wach out - in the photo Eric looks as if he's contemplating mischief when he gets back in the house :lol:
Oh dear! :lol: x

I love Eric - he's one of my favourite RU bunnies! :love:

My pair were 'threatened' with eviction to the great outdoors yesterday when they were being naughty - Jack nipped my toe presumably for attention and they were just doing all the things they shouldn't, lol. And I was feeling ill (and am off sick today as am feeling much worse! :() Jack is naughtier than ever since Hollie arrived! :roll:

But I do love them lots so all is forgiven. ;) xx
Ours gave up on the skirting boards and started on the wallpaper instead when we were at our old house - woodchip everywhere - they loved it! I'd wach out - in the photo Eric looks as if he's contemplating mischief when he gets back in the house :lol:

that sounds about right - i thought he'd grown out of his mischief but in a way i'm soooo glad that he hasn't:lol:

yours sound really useful if they like to strip woodchip - its a devil to get off usually! you should hire them out:D
Oh dear! :lol: x

I love Eric - he's one of my favourite RU bunnies! :love:

My pair were 'threatened' with eviction to the great outdoors yesterday when they were being naughty - Jack nipped my toe presumably for attention and they were just doing all the things they shouldn't, lol. And I was feeling ill (and am off sick today as am feeling much worse! :() Jack is naughtier than ever since Hollie arrived! :roll:

But I do love them lots so all is forgiven. ;) xx

naughty bunnies:lol:
hope you're starting to feel better - and that you get a well behaved bunny day whilst you're feeling ill:wave: