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eric has been banished.....

that sounds about right - i thought he'd grown out of his mischief but in a way i'm soooo glad that he hasn't:lol:

yours sound really useful if they like to strip woodchip - its a devil to get off usually! you should hire them out:D

:lol: I could make a FORTUNE!! With Eric as wood trimmer and mine as wallpaper strippers we could start a restoration compnay .... may take few months for a room but we could just charge for the entertainment value :)
naughty bunnies:lol:
hope you're starting to feel better - and that you get a well behaved bunny day whilst you're feeling ill:wave:

Thank you! :wave:

Gives me chance to catch up on RU anyway xx ;)

Oh and I've just had to go upstairs having heard a dreadful banging and crashing coming from upstairs but they both appeared at the baby gate looking angelic when I went to see what they were up to! :roll:
to the outside whilst mummy tried to sand down the nibbles on the front door:evil:

Mine's done that to the kitchen door (as she pulls it open this way) and every corner in the conservatory :censored: