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My bunny is leaking! UD: kidney problems ?


Warren Scout
Teddy was neutered about 3 or 4 weeks ago now and had problems at the time with pulling at his wound but has been fine ever since. Over the last couple of days he has started to leak though, wherever he goes he leaves tiny puddles and his litter training seems to have gone out of the window! His tail and back paws are quite wet too but other than the leaking he's his normal happy self eating and drinking his usual amounts.

Should I be worried about this, does he need a trip to the vet or will it clear up on its own? I'm worried he's going to be incontinent for life which would be a disaster as he's a much loved house rabbit and I like to let him have the run of the house. Please help!
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I think that a trip to the vets is best, bunnies are good at hiding pain, and although he may seem ok he might be in some discomfort.
As far as the incontinence goes, bunnies are smart and he will probably get back into things once he is 100% recovered. He may just need some additional training & help from you. My boy was totally incontinent when he was ill, now he uses his litter tray all the time, apart from the occasional poop, which is fine :)
Hope your boy gets better
i would take him in to the vet dialy bathing to prevent urine scold will certaintly be needed. it could be various things but ec can present itself in this way after a shock or stres ssuch as a neuter so i would do a 28day course of pannacur too. best of luck. x
Teddy is going to the vet tonight, I will update when I've been. He seemed a little quiet last night, I haven't seen any binkies for a while and he's been spending lots of time sat with his head on my chest cuddling up rather than sprawled out on the rug... i'm also worried about the state of his bum and paws as they're rather wet and discoloured. I'm trying to clean him as best as I can but he's not one to be put upside down so it's rather difficult.
A Vet check is definately essential. He may well have a UTI which will be making him him feel quite poorly :cry:
EC is a possibility but IMO a post castrate UTI is more likely

Good luck
Is it easily cured Jacksjane? I don't like seeing my little boy poorly :(

*If* its an infection then a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories should sort him out.
If your Vet suspects EC involvement then a 28 day course of Panacur/Lapizole should be prescribed.

Back from the vet, he took a urine sample and thinks that it's not a urine infection. He checked his teeth too and they are fine. He has asked me to take Teddy back in tomorrow for blood tests as he's not sure what it is.... he mentioned kidney problems and ec :( I hope it's nothing too serious poor boy.

He asked me to monitor how much Teddy drinks over 24 hrs as he thinks he's drinking a lot. Teddy always drinks around a litre of water each 24 hrs, is this a lot? How much do other people's buns drink?

The vet gave Teddy some pain relief as well incase he's in pain... just have to wait for the blood tests now :(
It sounds as though you have a good Vet :)

Normal water consumption for a Rabbit is 50-100ml/kg/24hrs.

I hope the blood tests dont reveal anything worrying.
Sending vibes for him :)
he drank 300ml overnight... i've filled the bowl up again to measure today.

He seems to have been better over the night, his bottom and tail are still damp but he hasnt left me any puddles anywhere, other than a wet patch on my lap when he wanted a cuddle poor thing. The thing is though, that means that the pain relief the vet gave him has probably helped... which means he's in pain for some reason, but I don't know why :(
he drank 300ml overnight... i've filled the bowl up again to measure today.

He seems to have been better over the night, his bottom and tail are still damp but he hasnt left me any puddles anywhere, other than a wet patch on my lap when he wanted a cuddle poor thing. The thing is though, that means that the pain relief the vet gave him has probably helped... which means he's in pain for some reason, but I don't know why :(

Did the Vet consider doing an Xray of his abdomen to see if he has bladder sludge/stones ?

A 'normal' water consumption for a 2.85kg Rabbit is approximately 142.5ml-285ml every 24 hours.
I'll mention that to the vet tonight, thank you Jack'sjane - he is drinking rather a lot if that's 'normal', but he's always drank that much and never had this problem before :(
Well the vet came back to me with Teddy's first test results last night, he is still waiting on the ecuniculi result but he has the other tests. Apparently Teddy's kidneys aren't functioning as well as they should be... he's only 7 months old :( he seems fine in himself now, still drinking a lot but he always has. The vet is going to contact me when he has the other test results back and try and come up with a cause for the kidney problems... how can they treat kidney problems?
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You can have a partial functioning kidney, or at least 1, to get by. 1 of my bridge bun Little Happy had chronic kidney problem too. This is what I did w/ Little Happy, and as good practice, I do this to all my buns now:

you don't want the little guy to hold his urine. So, I take them to their pee spot every few hr. Once they sit at their favorite spot, if there is something to unload, they'll do it on their own.

If I goto bed, I take them to the spot just before bed, and when I wake up after my 1st 4 hr. REM sleep, I'll take them to that spot again, before I go back to sleep for the 2nd round.

The truth is, bunnies like to sit at 1 spot for hours, and holding their urine, in which they could have unload them at the pee spot.

So it's good practice to take your bun to his favorite pee spot every few hours, especially since he has bladder problem.
Thanks Happy Hopping :) Teddy's bladder problems seem to have stopped for now and he seems fine in himself again, but i'll make sure i keep taking him back to his litter tray so he doesnt hold it in, i didnt know they did that silly things :)