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Libby- My Big Girlie :-)


Wise Old Thumper







That's my neighbours garden !!
Thankfully my Buns have the use of two other gardens aswell as their own :D

Lucky Bunnies!!! Mine would love to get into the old dears garden next door :lol:

I imagine your garden as Bunny Heaven Jane... lotsa hutches all lined up :) :love: I did wonder why you had room for daffs! lol xXx
What a lovely girlie you´ve got!

I´ve recently lost my lovely french lop due to an eye sickness. I miss him so much, it´s so empty without him hopping around at home.

The next bunny will be a flemish giant, either an albino male or a steelgrey female. They are from the same litter and about 3 months old now.

I´ll let my heart decide when I see them, which one will come home with me...

Our new rabbit will be free range just like our frenchie was.