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The bonding continues


Wise Old Thumper

Budge up Graham- I dont quite have enough room!
I have never seen Strawberry flop out before but he keeps running up to Graham and then flopping down next to him! Not sure which stage in the bonding process this is!

I think they still have to sort out who is the dominant one- Strawberry has been doing the chasing but Graham is still determined he will only be the receiver of grooming and to groom someone else is way too low for him!
They are being quite cuddly- but only when im not looking. I went out for an hour earlier and came back to this:


But whenever im watching they ignore each other. Strawberry still keeps sniffing at Grahams bum and then chasing him but he has only done it twice that ive seen today.
Yep! A big well done to you for starting the whole process off!

Graham still wont groom Strawbs but loves being the receiver of the grooming! They were fine all night together- I checked on them once and they were snuggled up asleep.