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Vibes for my little mouse please :o(


Mama Doe
If anyone has any spare vibes, please could you send them in the direction of my little mouse, Angus.He's been tormented with a skin condition pretty much all his life. He's had many trips to the vet & lots of treatments too. He was back at the vet today for another new treatment, this time steroids. This is his last chance as all other treatments have failed.The vet has advised me to let him go if this one doesn't work :cry:
He's such a lovely little creature, he really does deserve better.Any vibes would be greatfully recieved :)

Thank you :wave:

Aww... has hes got a behavioural scratching problem, do you think? I've had a mouse that developed that after a case of mites and a bereavement (losing her sister). I managed to control it to some extent by putting aloe vera gel and colloidal silver on her twice a day. It helped stop her getting infected, and a little bit of hair growth came back. It wasn't a cure though.

Really hope your mouse improves, but if not, I'd recommend the aloe vera and colloidal silver.
oh poor little Angus! I love mice I kept them for years till my last one died a couple ago. :(
Hey sorry about wee Angus,sending my vibes.Do you use sawdust/wood in teh cage?What do you use to clean his cage?Try using plain white paper in his cage and try for bedding plain white kitchen roll/toilet roll shredded into bits.Just use hot soapy water or very diluted tea tree oil (diluted in water) to clean the cage.I had a rat (well there were 2) but one of them had breathing problems n scratching,tried meds n stuff and thought was going to have to put him to sleep but i asked the vet about the woodshavings and decided trying the plain white paper and it worked!Must've been the dust.My rats and hamsters now are alright with the sawdust but for bedding i use mainly white kitchen roll ripped up.Hope this helps.All the best,keep us posted.

They sell a pet aloe vera gel, which is food grade, and also some spray colloidal silver. I used to use a blob of aloe to about 4 sprays of silver.

Edit: here are the links

Thank you SarahP, i might give this a go.

Hey sorry about wee Angus,sending my vibes.Do you use sawdust/wood in teh cage?What do you use to clean his cage?Try using plain white paper in his cage and try for bedding plain white kitchen roll/toilet roll shredded into bits.Just use hot soapy water or very diluted tea tree oil (diluted in water) to clean the cage.I had a rat (well there were 2) but one of them had breathing problems n scratching,tried meds n stuff and thought was going to have to put him to sleep but i asked the vet about the woodshavings and decided trying the plain white paper and it worked!Must've been the dust.My rats and hamsters now are alright with the sawdust but for bedding i use mainly white kitchen roll ripped up.Hope this helps.All the best,keep us posted.

I used to use sawdust in his cage but changed to megazorb about 4months ago.For his bedding i use shredded kitchen roll.I'll try using kitchen roll instead of the megazorb to see if it helps.

Thank you for all your vibes everyone :wave: poor Angus really needs them :(