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Would Putting A Female With Two Neautered Males Work?


New Kit
Hi,i ask this question for future ref really,ive got two boys that are going to be neutered very soon,i was thinking that as soon as they are bonded would it be ok to try and get them to bond with a female or should i get them a female each? if i get a female each they will be in seperate cages and not living as a foursome :wave:
Hiya, depends on the living space you have for them really? If you have a big enough space and decide to go for it then bond them all at the same time.
Bonding 2 males with a female is not impossible, however it is essential that all the rules of bonding are adhered to and space increased very slowly afterwards. A lot depends on their characters. I am currently bonding 2 related boys and a girl http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?t=195246

Who are they then Janice????:lol::lol::lol:

They are a delightfull trio who I am happy to stay here if their owner manages to forget they are here.