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where to buy a hutch ?


Mama Doe
it would be for one netherland dwarf male. i havnt got much money to spend, about £100. £120 at the most. when he's been neutred i will get him a friend (also a dwarf probs).

what size and where to buy?
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Minimum hutch size is 6x2x2 (feet) RSPCA recommendations, with an attached run of 6x4 i believe.

Is your bunny going to be outside i take it?
it would be for one netherland dwarf male. i havnt got much money to spend, about £100. £120 at the most. when he's been neutred i will get him a friend (also a dwarf probs).

what size?

I thought recommended was MINIMUM of 6 x 2.5 x 2.5.
Obviously if its two nethy's you're going to have this could probably be reduced slightly.
Pets at Home have a sale on at the moment and have a very large hutch - two storey for £99.99 (in Kirkcaldy). If you're near, it may be worth a visit. Alternatively you could ask around your area to see if any local joiners build them? All mine are hand built but sooo worth the money.:D
You could get a 6 x 4ft shed for about £130 in some places with opening windows for ventilation also. And then you can attach a cat flap to the side and put a run there too. And add level's to the shed. A bit of DIY but cheap.