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Washing bunny fabrics

a reader of books

Warren Veteran
I was wondering what people use to wash bunny beds, rugs, pee pads, and things like that? I've been using stuff from Kavee which I like because it's made for washing guinea pig and bunny stuff and is unscented and anti-bacterial, but it doesn't always get all the stains out, so I was wondering if there's something better I can use. It does definitely need to be unscented. I've read that a lot of people use vinegar, but I read in the news a while ago that that's bad for your washing machine, and I just got a new one, so I don't want to risk that.
We use laundry detergent meant for people with allergies. There are different brands, yet they are dye and scent free. My machine lets me choose an extra rinse too.
I just read that the acid in vinegar is bad for the gaskets, seals and hoses if you use it regularly; something I did not know before your post.
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Good to know about the vinegar - I wonder if thats why my washing machine is making crunchy noises 🤣

Well I use vinegar a lot ...but won't now. I also use my homemade dishwasher tabs which are made with bicarb, citric acid & a few drops of washing up liquid. They work well. I buy their unscented liquid from the community shop filling station
We use laundry detergent meant for people with allergies. There are different brands, yet they are dye and scent free. My machine lets me choose an extra rinse too.
I just read that the acid in vinegar is bad for the gaskets, seals and hoses if you use it regularly; something I did not know before your post.
Oh, for people with allergies! That's clever. It's hard to find stuff that's scent free, but that should work, yes.
Yeah, that's what the article said, that it's bad for the softer, non-metal parts of the machine. It weakes them, it said.

Good to know about the vinegar - I wonder if thats why my washing machine is making crunchy noises 🤣

Well I use vinegar a lot ...but won't now. I also use my homemade dishwasher tabs which are made with bicarb, citric acid & a few drops of washing up liquid. They work well. I buy their unscented liquid from the community shop filling station
Crunchy noises! Oh, no! 🤣
Ooh, homemade dishwasher tabs. Are they hard to make? I've heard before that dishwasher tabs work really well in the washing machine. I'll try mine sometime and see how they do.
Yeah they are a pain to make cos as soon as you add moisture they fizz & mine always fizz too much & bubble out of their moulds .

I think it might be worth trying just bicarb. I just spot cleaned a couple of Boo's orange pees from the rug & it actually worked as well as vinegar. I only washed bunny stuff yesterday but next time I'll try it out in washing machine & report back
Oh, that does sound really tricky. I'll leave that to you, then.

I'll look up the bicarb, thank you. That's really good that it cleaned up Boo's orange pees as well as vinegar does. I'd like to hear the results of your washing machine experiment next time, yes.