The Christmas Bunny on TV (UK CHANNEL 5*)


Mama Doe
Is anyone watching it? I just switched it on. It's a christmassy film featuring a cranky bunny lady on it who's just confiscated an injured rabbit from a small girl and told her that she won't get the rabbit back until she's learnt how to look after it properly. Then she announced 'rabbits need to eat lots of hay every day, did you know that?!!'

Yayy, rabbit education through Christmas films :lol:
It was all going so well but then they picked the rabbit up by the scruff so I've turned it off.
got this on dvd, had channel 5 on shows how stressed I am never realised it was on :oops: I love the old lady in it
Except for the scruffing and the pram scene, my daughter and I loved this movie. :) I'll have to dig up my DVD of it before Xmas as she'll have forgotten most of it by now and it may help to ease her seasonal boredom. ;)
I've seen it. Liked it, except for the foster family. They were :censored: idiots, and the son was a budding sociopath.
This is my youngests favourite film at the moment ..she watches it daily!! We watched it daily last year as well!! One thing she did pick up on was how they pick the bunny up .. she said thats not how you pick bunnies up, you have to hold them under their belly!! Shes only 4!! I have no idea if thats a correct way or not .. but I can't imagine picking one up by the scruff!!