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Taking Grass back into hutch


Warren Scout
Nala our little rescue bunny has settled in well, eating without any problems.
Still having some problems with litter tray, she keeps moving it around, but am hoping that she will settle in to use it.
Today, while running around the garden we noticed that she was gathering grass....long pieces in her mouth and taking them back into hutch and putting them in the corner. I cleaned out her hutch, removed the grass and put a large amount of hay in. She then hauled the hay through to the corner, then jumped out gathering grass again. I have again cleared out the grass, and she is now in her hutch as the rain has come on. Can anyone tell me why she is doing this and should I just letter her continue to take grass in then clear it out everyday. Sorry to be so dumb. Thanks
She's making a nest! It's no problem unless she could be pregnant. Has she been spayed?
No she hasn't been spayed, and she isn't pregnant, hasn't been with any male bunny's....well not unless she is sneaking out at night somewhere:lol:
Ok, I will just leave her to it and take the grass out everyday. Thanks
It'll just be a false one then. She might pluck fur from her chest and could become aggressive near her nest (Bunny PMT). A sign that she can be spayed now!

Do you have any pictures of her?
Thanks Teddy's Mum
No we haven't got any pictures of her yet, will try and get some this week and put them on. She is lovely, a great nature and probably knows what softies we are....since we are her 4th home in her short 9 months.
We also have two rescue Guinea Pigs, they are both 6 now, and when they are in their outside run, she never even bothers to go near them.
Thanks again.