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Stable Matting


Mama Doe
I noticed today that my Ruthy is starting to develop sore back feet. For a while now she has been doing excess cecotropes but it as been getting worse. I have cut their diet right down to just hay and a very small amount of pellets in the evening, but still no improvement. She's had her teeth checked recently and they seem ok, she's also not overweight. She doesn't keep herself clean down there so I have to help her, she is only young too. I wonder if her sore feet are from treading in her soft poo? She has thick fur on her feet otherwise.
For now I've put a very large piece of vet bed down in their outdoor area which is on concrete for her to sit on. She is booked to go to the vets tomorrow to see what they say. I was wondering if stable matting would be a good idea to put down in their outdoor area and their run for when it isn't on the grass? Is it waterproof and weather resistant? Is it easy to keep clean? Does anyone know where is best/cheapest to get some? And can it easily be cut to size?
Sorry for the long post and all the questions but I'm hoping I can make her more comfortable. Her husbun is a mini rex and he has never had a problem with sore hocks.
We have stable matting in our aviaries. It is easy to keep clean, great for sore hocks and great for my knees too :)

Disadvantage, if they wee on it then it just sits there and bunny gets wet if they sit in it. Although we have never had that problem. Also if rain gets in it puddles quickly but a quick sweep with a broom and wipe down with a towel and it is dry in seconds.

Hubby cut ours with a Stanley knife

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