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Rabbit safe glue?


Mama Doe
The new cage I am planning on creating will have different levels. I was planning on attaching hessian carpet to MDF preferably using glue, does anyone know of any safe glue or other ideas welcome

I'm building out of NIC cubes so they would form the base it's just something to cover over the gaps so the bunnies have some comfort
I am afraid to say that MDF isn't safe to make rabbits' housing from. The way it's constructed uses chemicals and small particles which are harmful.

As for glue, normally aquarium sealant is safe but only if the rabbits cannot get to it.
Would plyboard be safe? I will have to search the forum later when I'm not using my phone to post
Yes, plywood would be. I was chatting to someone is timber yard who reckons MDF shouldn't be used for humans either!
Brilliant thanks I have a timber yard over the road so will be easy enough to source what I need
http://www.therabbithouse.com/indoor/dogcrate_shelf.asp (That's Tamsin (the admin of this forum) website)

You can use MDF fine, as long as you cover all of the edges.

I've done exactly what you're proposing, glued down carpet to MDF, its been like that for ~1yr now and is all good :)

There's a lot of debate about it going on Gray,


I would personally steer clear given the possibility of a risk. The main time when there is a risk is during the machining process and given some rabbits love of chewing, they will be exposing themselves to formaldehyde and particles of dust shown to cause nasal cancer in rats.
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