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new hutch


New Kit
Hi, I want to move my rabbit from his inside hutch to an outside style one, still to live inside just much bigger. I want to ensure he's happy but also to keep the hutch clean and safe (the plastic one I could hose down to keep clean) how do I keep the wood clean? Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi, and welcome to the forum :thumb: you could use non slip Lino to stick down to make it easier to clean up. Having said that, because rabbits need so much space most of us with indoor bunnies don't use a cage, we just bunny proof a room and give them the run of that, or use a large pen, you can use puppy pens. Here is a link to the housing thread, there are lots of photos on there :thumb: http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?304613-Indoor-Housing-Tips-amp-Examples