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Move in for winter?


Alpha Buck
Loxxy lives in the garage in the back garden, and this is opened up all day long when we're home. With the shorter days and winter looming (wind/driving rain/cold), she'd have to be in there with the garage door down more than it is at the moment, and considering the amount of time myself and my youngest son in particular, like to spend with her, we're all going to miss out a little more than present.

I'm considering moving her into the conservatory which is pretty much unused, and has only been used to tidy away the kids' toys up 'til now. I am unsure whether to do this or not though as I think... maybe she likes her home/knows where she is... if I move her into the conservatory (adapting it to be a bunny room of course), will she be happy there? or will she just want to go back home? (There's also the racket the heavy rain makes on the roof of the conservatory, which seemed to bother her a little when she was in there this morning).

Whenever she goes in the conservatory (its open for her to come and go as she pleases), she poops absolutely everywhere, whereas she doesn't do this in her hutch, even if her litter tray is moved in there.

So I'm a little confused as to whether I move her in when the weather has definitely cooled down a little (don't want her in there if its still going to warm up!) or keep her in the home she knows best and seems more than happy in.

If you had this option, what would you think best?
I'd go for the conservatory :)

She's pooping because it's 'new' and 'not hers' once she lives there and chins everything she'll slowly stop the poop machine :oops:
I agree with Pixie, if I had the option I'd def go with the conservatory.

You and your son like spending time with her, and I should think she likes spending time with you guys too :) you'd all be missing out on each other's company if she spent her time in the garage with the door down.

As for the noise the rain makes, I'm sure she'd get used to it in time.

Loxxy, like you have a choice...

Loxxy would adore spending the time in the conservatory, she's been there before :) That way, you won't lose the very special bond you and your kids have with her!
I agree that the conservatory would be the best idea, particually if she's going to be an only bun. Have you considered adopting a husbun for her? Rabbits love company of their own kind as well as their human pets. :D
I agree that the conservatory would be the best idea, particually if she's going to be an only bun. Have you considered adopting a husbun for her? Rabbits love company of their own kind as well as their human pets. :D

Oh yes, its in my mind!! She is 5 months old and hasn't been spayed yet. She has her VHD injection tomorrow so I am going to ask about that tomorrow. A husbunny is something I will have to get my timing right on when mentioning it to OH, if you know what I mean! :lol: