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lonely 11 week old


iam new to this forum, i have an 11 week old dwarf bunny called Peter i rescued him from a neglectful home. He is extremely friendly and lives in a huge hutch on his own. I also have guinea pigs when they are all out in their runs Peter is in one on his own and he looks so lonely. I would love to get him a companion and fortunately my friends female has had babies last week i have said that i would have one. Would it be better for me to have a male or female, if i get female how old would peter have to be before he can neutered
I'm sure Peter will be much happier with a friend :)
Males can be neutered as soon as their testicles have dropped (usually around 14-16 weeks or so) they are still potentially fertile for about 6 weeks after. Females can be neutered at around 5-6 months, and they are at great risk of uterine cancer if not neutered so it is a very good idea to neuter them.
Was your friend's litter an accident?
yes she bought the female from suposedly reputable pet shop 2 weeks ago, then on tuesday morning she found babies in the hutch. she went back to the shop but denied any knowledge of the pregnancy.
That happens alot unfortunately.
i hope she manages to find homes for all of the babies xx
Getting him a friend is definetely a good idea, id get him done first and leave it at least six weeks until you think about bonding them but i your friend shouldnt rehome her babies until they are 8 weeks anyway so should be about right :) Then when your female is old enough you can have her spayed. You'll need to bond them in neutral territory.