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Carrot tops appear to be higher in dietary calcium than parsley in fact but I have never experienced a problem in feeding them, whereas with Kale I have had severe reactions to urine consistency. All rabbits are individual.

Yes you are correct, Romaine is a member of the Cos family, my mistake, was in a hurry typing sorry :oops: I meant Iceberg and the crisp headed family of lettuce. Anyhow it is not so much safety that is the issue for me. Lettuce IS perfectly 'safe' to feed in the sense that it is non toxic and not poisonous in any way. However, neither is it astringent in its properties and it DOES cause some rabbits to develop scours or caecal dysbiosis. It is not nutritionally deficient as many believe, but it can cause gastric upset and with so many other green foods available both commercially and in the wild it is not a plant I ever choose to actively feed. If my buns grazed it accidentally as Maizey's do then of course it will do no harm and if you have a rabbit that tolerates it being fed daily then that's great, but a good number of rabbits have very poor tolerance these days to scour forming vegetables... spring greens being a classic one, that on the whole i always advise to avoid it.
Oh god, I thought Rabbits could eat the same lettuces as GPs and gave my neighbour some Romaine because Gypsey wasn't allowed it anymore (IC issue). :(