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Just in time for Christmas


Alpha Buck
So as my playhouse idea didn't work and i couldn't leave Whisky in what she had before. i have made this and i am going to get another run later to extend it....



I think it is ok for now.
I think you need a 6ft x 4ft if not 6ft x 6ft run to add onto the one you have got. You definatly need a bigger run though. Other than that, good. She's got lots of toys, lucky rabbit i say! :)

Is she fully grown?

Some peole will say the hutch isnt big enough. I disagree. Mine have a 6ft hutch and run and they dont spend much time in the hutch at all so for them it isnt really worth them having a 6ft one! I think a 4ft is fine as long as you get a larger run.
I think it is ok for now.
I think you need a 6ft x 4ft if not 6ft x 6ft run to add onto the one you have got. You definatly need a bigger run though. Other than that, good. She's got lots of toys, lucky rabbit i say! :)

Is she fully grown?

Some peole will say the hutch isnt big enough. I disagree. Mine have a 6ft hutch and run and they dont spend much time in the hutch at all so for them it isnt really worth them having a 6ft one! I think a 4ft is fine as long as you get a larger run.

Thank you im trying and doing my best to give her more space. i dont think she's fully grown the shop i got her from said she was born in aug some time so she is only 4 months. what age would you say is fully grown :rabbit2:
Well done on making the improvements - i bet Whisky is loving the fact you are increasing her space. Just wondering if she is able to stand up and stretch out from anywhere in the enclosure? That could be a future improvement?

As for growing - we got Lucky at 4 months and he didnt grow much from when we first got him but i reckon he was a fully grown adult at about 6 months old.
Would this work?

i am hopefully going to get 2 5ft x 3 ft runs to go either side of the hutch. that is all the space i have in the garden for her used then