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Fun for Bunny


Mama Doe
My bunny is an indoor bunny and I wondered how to make a fun indoor space for him? At the moment its quite boring and has done for the last week and a bit since he came home but I can see he is getting more active. At present he has a tunnel and some toys but what else can I do to make a fun space for him. I don't mind setting it up in the kitchen/living room in the morning but it preferably needs to be something that can be packed away in the evening when I go to bed. Can you buy indoor runs?
Can you bunnyproof a room? The problem with runs is it means you can no longer use that space. I find bunnyproofing and providing an area with a hideout (carriers are quite good for this) and litter tray is easier than building a run. The Trixie runs are quite good if you do want to go that way though, as you can use as little or as many panels as you like as they aren't linked.

As for toys a lot of people just use cardboard boxes and cut holes in them. Mine love jumping on and off things so have ramps or boxes or chairs to jump on.