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Excel apple snacks?


Mama Doe
I took my bun to the vet for her vhd and a general check up (fit and healthy bun :D) the vet`s was really good and had loads of products to buy, so I purchased a bag of excel apple snacks for 89p! She`s only 12 weeks, are these ok to just give her a few? I did try to give her one after the vets as a treat and she wasn`t interested :shock: so I just put a few in with her pellets when I got home. Will these be ok (if she eats them ofc!)
Yes they're designed for rabbits but don't give them too much incase you upset their stomach. My buns love them, especially Harley
Never seen them but as above introduce slowly, 1 would be enough for the first try just in case.

More "healthy" treats that are enjoyed my many buns are fresh herbs -parsley, sage, mint, basil, corriander, lemon balm, apple tree leaves and sticks (find a friend or neighbour with a tree that isn't treated with pesticides), bramble leaves, a grape (keep it to one as they are sugary) or a strawberry.